Saturday, May 19, 2007

San Francisco, CA

5..09..07 - 5..12..07

Left Orange County on a Wednesday afternoon, leaving behind 90 degree heat. Arrived in Oakland, beautiful skies. Bart into the city, welome to the fog. Unzip the suitcase, bust out the jacket. This is why I am living in Orange County. At the bart station: Little kids making their moves, trying to holla, not very smooth. This is why I am living single.

Woke up Thursday morning. Decked out in a black suit, with my Nike Blazers. Took the kids to school, dim sum on noriega, cruise with the mommy downtown to the salon. 10am. Larkin and Geary. Running for the 38. Not running from a man who was trying to make a move. To Market St.

The annual Summer Search Luncheon was held once again at the Four Seasons on Market St. This year's goal to raise: $600,000. Achieved $620,000. Holla!! About 600 folks mingling, drinking, listening, inspiring, admiring to the youth of today, and the leaderships of tomorrow. Reunited with the many people in my life who have inspired, motivated, and dedicated their time to the development of my growth. A great feeling to have such support and a talented powerful network of people who are making a difference, contributing to the world, expanding the legacy.

MC for the event: Cang

The brotha rocked it out on the mic. Congratulations! He made a prominent speech featuring the elements of failure, love, future success, and entrepreniuership. Let's give it up to Cang! A round of applause, a standing ovation.

After hours of conversing, Cang I and headed back to Dodge & Cox. The sun shines, the wind blows. Cang admires watching my hair blow in the wind. Crazy boy! Walked to the Bank of America building on Montgomery. 40th floor, up we go! As always, an unbreathable view of the city from above. Cang went back to his office, I headed to the trading floor to say hi to the folks. Every visit is a welcoming visit. I miss this place! I love the people! I miss the city!

Spent the rest of the day roaming the city. Replaced the heels with my Blazers. It has been an amazing day!

The Dynamic Duo: Cang and Judy: Undercovers by Day, Hooligans by Night:

The view from mommy's house:

Lace's new baby Louie:

DJ Judizzle:

Dinner at Cha Cha Cha: Happy Birthday LACE!!! Lingerie Lace!

The boys prepare to get wasted:

Milk Bar:

The city:

Newport Beach, Orange County

Over the 405, and back in the 714.
It's great to be back in my own bed.
Time to be a beach babe and a beach bum.

An amazing time in the city,
an enticing time in the city,
a cruel cruel city.

The city is one big tease
to get me to move back.

I roam the city, moan,
my mouth foams, is it time to bone?

Round II comes in June.

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