Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hollywood Park

Los Angeles, California

Free Fridays for Students
Free Concert at night
$1 Beer
$1 Hotdogs

Betters line up in their seats, standing on their feet, cheering, fearing for their horse to not fall behind. Crowds hover around the tv stand, squeezing their ticket in hand, eyes gleaming, greed ringing. One horse overtakes the other horse, the crowd goes wild, winners jump and holla, losers lost their dollar.

We watch and cheer, cracking peanuts, drinking beer, munching to hot dogs, and engaging in the social excitement, amused and entertained by the social confinement. We do not have a single clue on how to bet. We're here to amuse and be amused.

Berlin performing:

1964 VW

Dover Shores, Newport Beach, California

Photographer: Tony Wang
Beetle: 1964
Owner of Beetle: Frank

Behind the Scenes

Yet another day seized: Dim Sum, Flea Market, Photo Shoot, Thai Food, Bikini Bar, Guppy's

Frank left my place the night before 2 am, yet I received a wake up call early morning from Frank to wake my ass up so we can go eat Dim Sum. Nothing is more painful than being snapped out of REM sleep. His exact words "I'll pick you up in 20 min." His actual arrival time, 1 hour later.

Sam Woo's in Irvine for Dim Sum: I tried eating chicken feet after watching Frank munch and grunch at it. He demonstrated the technical way of breaking off the chicken feet: "Crack it by the knuckles." Looks so easy, but the crackling noise of the knuckles grossed me out, forcing me to squeal like a headless chicken. Thanks, but no thanks! More chicken feet for Frank!

OCC Flea Market: Frank and I was close to buying Snot Gorilla Jel. But instead we went for the mango. Ate mango sprinkled with red spice. Must be an acquired taste. Let Frank kill the rest and watched him gnaw at the fruit stick. Was scoping out a $15 bench to put outside my door. But failed to buy it. When we got back to my place. Standing around having a cig, we realized it would be nice to have had that bench. I'm going back to get it.

Photo Shoot with Frank's VW: We made the decision to have the photo shoot 2 days ahead, but prepared for it the actual day of the shoot. We found the perfect location to have the shoot, and Linda and I spent 2 hours playing dress up and dolling ourselves.

Frank has sold his car because he is moving to New York in the fall to start grad school at Columbia. We had to do a photo shoot with his baby. Stated by Frank, "The three of you guys look great!"

Highlights of the Day:

- Terradactyl
- "Clean your white walls" (context: my white shorts with black butt stains)
- Frank: Ghost Ride the Whip
- Doors Open Man
- "I don't like that kind of language"
- Matching plaid shorts
- Frank a true Cholo, cleaning windows
- Frank posing with a crooked leg, lookin demented

- "Tamas you want a hubcap" (context: Frank eating thai food, cleaned his paper plate)
- Homos in porsche (Tony and Tamas cruising in the porsche, top down)

- Guppy's
- "All that shit talking" (context: Cris going into surgery)
- Frank sipping his bowl
- Cris and Frank killing the Brick Toast
- condensed milk

- $3 stunna shades
- in the back of the flea market: garbage for sell
- man making music with a percussion instrument