Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Not on Duty

A California Dream?

Tuesday evening, back from travels. It's been a long work day, still dazed, longing, wanting, wanting, walking.... it's Newport Beach, where are my lifeguards?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Fortune Cookie

Words of Wisdom

Pei Wei gives you unlimited fortune cookies. I always grab a hand full and throw them in my draw at work. Anytime anyone's in a bad mood I throw a fortune cookie at them and tell them to cheer up. They laugh at my dorkiness, but it works.

This was my fortune last week, "Opportunity awaits you next Tuesday." I waited all week to hear good news. And today is Tuesday and one of the best opportunities were offered to me today. Cheers!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Doctor's Order

That's what she said.

Apparently my doctor thinks I have a high tolerance for pain. I do have chronic pain... perhaps this is affecting my ability to distinguish the different levels of pain.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yoga Does a Body Good

PataƱjali would be proud

Last night in yoga class, I questioned my practice. Why bother? It's a good form of discipline perhaps. Just another distraction for the mind. Laying in savasana, letting gravity take you down, it's a good feeling.

What did I learn about my body over the past year, I have really tight abductors, it's preventing me from doing the splits.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Two Thousand and Nine

Recession Proof?!?

I've neglected my blog for half a year. Was never quite dead, was always only barely breathing, but I was still alive, my life in a suitcase, globetrotting into a good life.

2009 Highlights:
Living a commi lifestyle in Vietnam to the Hollywood penthouse suite at the Roosevelt. Drugs, sex, and rock & roll. It's the all American Dream baby! Only in Hollywood. And only in Hollywood we held this year's Enzoani's fashion event, debutting our 2010 collection!! We make every bride's dream come true. And only in Hollywood, would the LAPD try to bust your ass for a DUI. Enough of the LA glamour, to Sin City we go. Sex in Sin City, what happens in Vegas, DOES NOT stay in vegas. From the strip to the bay area for the San Francisco treat, the wedding of the beloved sis and her beau. Across interstate lines to NYC for some east coast lovin'. Hitched a ride to New Hampshire for thy yoga retreat. Namaste to all my yogis. Found my way back to Cali only to catch a direct flight to Maui. The sun and fun, I love being a beach bum. And if you can't be a beach bum in Maui, just do it in Laguna. The summer's over, and to Chicago in the rain we go. Finally back home to end the year in the glorious hands of The Misfits!! Amen.